Topics: Laboratory News, Gadolinium - Does Chelation detoxify this metal?, Arsenic and urine test results, Protocol Changes and Plausibility Checks, Combining Chelators, Miscellaneous Samples, Medical Workshops and Conferences,...More
(OMNS Feb 6 2019) The UVB-vitamin D-cancer hypothesis is nearly 40 years old [Garland, 1980]. There are 5293 publications with cancer and vitamin D or 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] in the title or abstract listed at as...More
We wish all of you the very best for the New Year 2019. And thank you for the continuous support you have given us over the past.More
We wish you happy holidays and a healthy and successful New Year 2019.More
Topics: Laboratory News, Gadolinium in Drinking Water, Metals in Soil, What you Should Know, Reference Ranges and Orientation Ranges - What is the difference?, Data Protection, Inactive Clients, In Memoriam, Medical Workshops...More
A discussion on the safety of gadolinium-based contrast agentsMore
China Drug Industry Tainted By Unsafe ChemicalsMore